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Truckload vs. Intermodal

The great freight debate

Find out the secret sauce SanMar uses to balance
their mode mix with Schneider.

Unlock this exclusive webinar on the great freight debate to uncover valuable insights:

  • Advantages of using multiple modes in your supply chain.
  • Factors that determine when and where to use truckload vs. intermodal.
  • State of service reliability in the age of disruption.
  • Taking sustainability from a buzzword to being actionable toward your goals.

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Ship smarter

The average shipper moves 7-10% of its freight via intermodal vs. truckload, but over the last few years, SanMarthe nation’s largest wholesale distributor of apparelhas grown its use of intermodal to 80%. Preview the highlights of our webinar, where industry leaders share the evolution of their successful mode mix that delivers both reliability and flexibility.


Craig Paulson

Craig Paulsen

Schneider's Vice President of Intermodal

John Janson

John Janson

SanMar's VP of Global Logistics

John Lewis

John Lewis

SanMar's Sr. International Logistics Manager