
Shipper | Case study

A Dedicated Bulk solution improves safety and efficiency

Enhance business stability and safety with a dedicated Bulk operation.


Background: Downplaying the important details

Though precision handling and attention to detail are critical skills in moving any loads, they are absolutely vital when transporting chemicals. One provider of cleaning compounds knows that all too well. When it found itself using a bulk carrier that was continuously failing on those two important fronts, it realized its worst-case scenario had escalated from “what if” to “when.”

Situation: Ending a haphazard approach to safety

The shipper had been working with its previous carrier for over five years, but during that time performance was consistently an issue. Wrong tank deliveries, spilled product and a lack of capacity routinely — and negatively — impacted both the shipper and its customers. Not only was it bad business, but careless errors can result in devastating outcomes due to the nature of the product.

During this time, Schneider occasionally supported the shipper when capacity was needed. Driven by its core value of Safety First and Always, Schneider understood the importance of safety for these loads and approached the shipper about bidding on its business. The shipper was tired of accepting the status quo and was interested to see how Schneider could help. Schneider impressed the shipper with its safety culture and business approach, and was awarded three sites.

When the previous carrier learned it lost the business, it immediately began pulling its drivers. This left Schneider in a race against time to supply capacity, onsite personnel and the specialty equipment needed to keep freight moving for the shipper.

Solution: An optimized network and consistent reporting mean better business

An expedited transition meant an all-hands-on-deck approach. Project managers, support staff and over 50 drivers were brought onsite weeks before they were originally scheduled to begin. Schneider also began the accelerated process of ordering the shipper-required specialty equipment.

As the team assessed the shipper’s business, it uncovered multiple inefficiencies and improprieties conducted by the previous carrier:

  • Inaccurate reporting.
  • No formal processes for loading or unloading the bulk loads.
  • Lack of appropriate safety gear for drivers.

Schneider immediately set out to improve the approach to transporting the loads. First, it implemented a complete overhaul of the lanes, providing an engineering solution that optimized how the lanes should be run for efficiency. The transportation provider then enacted routine reporting, including daily service number updates, monthly recaps and quarterly cost analyses with improvement recommendations. Lastly, Schneider formalized processes for loading and unloading to ensure optimum safety.

Previous carrier


  • Inaccurate reporting
  • No formal processes for loading or unloading the bulk loads
  • Lack of appropriate safety gear for drivers
  • Routine reporting, including daily service number updates, monthly recaps and quarterly cost analyses with improvement recommendations
  • Formalized processes for loading and unloading to ensure optimum safety

Results: A stable and safe operation

The shipper needed a secure, dependable carrier, and Schneider delivered. Significant results include:

  • A true sole-source dedicated bulk solution.
  • 15 percent increase or decrease in flexed capacity per week depending on the need.
  • Implemented safety measures, resulting in just 0.25 incidents per 1,000 deliveries.

Schneider’s commitment to enhancing the shipper’s business didn’t end with the initial implementation work. Today, Schneider consistently reviews the shipping networks to find ways to optimize lanes and operational processes. The transportation provider regularly conducts workshops to highlight ideas for helping the shipper achieve even greater business performance. Schneider’s safety-centered approach and commitment to business improvements mean the shipper is now able to focus on its core business needs.

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