
Shipper | Case study

Expedited security teams outsmart cargo thieves targeting smartphone shipper


One of the world's largest mobile phone manufacturers was concerned about being an in-transit target

In today’s freight environment, shippers know nearly any commodity is at risk of being compromised in transit by sophisticated thieves. Of course, if you’re shipping trailers filled with new-model cell phones, you can almost guarantee your product will be a target. This was exactly the case for one of the world’s largest mobile phone manufacturers.

The situation

This consumer electronics manufacturer identified a need to revise their current security policy and procedures to keep up with latest criminal activity and trends. In doing so, a gap with their providers was not able to be closed. The company turned to Schneider, looking for a more stringent security process that would ensure that high-value shipments could travel from their distribution centers to the final destination – safely and securely.

Schneider's supply chain security solution

Schneider’s Expedited Services Team joined forces with the company’s security team and put its innovative security protocols to work, immediately deploying a series of solutions to tighten security within their supply chain. The manufacturer’s freight began traveling only on trucks with team drivers at the wheel, a move that drastically reduces freight vulnerability simply because the load is rarely at rest. Teams received special security briefings before starting a high-value load assignment, reminding them to be keenly aware of their surroundings at all times and reviewing standard security procedures, including:

  • Having a full tank of fuel when arriving for a delivery and avoiding breaks in the first 250 miles (even the most persistent thieves will not usually follow a load this long).
  • Stopping only at secure locations, including Schneider’s network of 35 facilities that are equipped with advanced security technologies and monitored 24/7.
  • Communicating with dispatch at each stop and inspecting equipment to confirm that the load is intact.
  • Deploying untethered GPS trailer tracking.
  • Sending weekly security messages to keep drivers informed about truck stops that had recently been hit by thieves and help drivers plan safe and secure routes.

These techniques may sound like common sense, but it takes a company that values safety first and always, as Schneider does, to turn common sense into common practice and lock down security for shippers.

In addition to relying on smart, savvy drivers, Schneider’s Expedited Team utilized the latest in technology to keep freight safe. Its trailer tracking system continuously monitored each of the company’s trailers on the road. This technology can also determine if a trailer is loaded or empty, and for customers who use 3rd party solutions to imbed covert tracking capabilities into the actual product being moved, Schneider can monitor for irregularities and receive alerts when the freight itself is altered or disturbed.

The result; Significantly enhanced supply chain security

Deployment of the enhanced security protocol by Schneider has made a significant difference within the supply chain for this leading consumer electronics manufacturer: There has not been one single full-load theft since Schneider was brought on as a carrier in 2006.

“We work with a handful of truckload carriers but Schneider consistently meets and exceeds our expectations,” says the transportation manager for the manufacturer. “Clearly, we’re thrilled with their ability to secure our freight and get our loads from Point A to Point B, but they also find creative solutions to give us the trucks we need even when capacity might be tight. Their responsiveness and flexibility helps us get our products to market with the speed, security and peace of mind we need.”

Getting merchandise out of inventory and onto store shelves is crucial to any business operation. However, when it comes to the movement of high-value freight like cell phones, video games, and other consumer electronics it’s often easier said than done. With Schneider’s Expedited solutions, shippers can rest assured that their products are making that journey quickly and safely. Plus, they eliminate all the costs and headaches associated with lost loads and cargo thefts. When you choose Schneider to haul your most valuable cargo, you’re choosing a carrier that prides itself on its proven Expedited expertise, its professionally trained, dedicated drivers and its 75-year history of exceeding customer expectations. In other words, you choose a carrier committed to moving your freight securely while taking a bite out of crime.