Shipper | Infographic

Market Index Pricing reduces costs for tire manufacturer

Learn how Schneider’s Market Index Pricing helped a tire manufacturer save money on its unpredictable freight.

Share The Schneider Solution The Results The Situation Market Index Pricing reduces costs for tire manufacturer The shipping schedule and number of loads and lanes used varied. A lean manufacturing model caused shipment delays to turn into production delays. Shipments had short lead times — often fewer than 48 hours to tender a load. Schneider’s analysis uncovered other cost-saving opportunities. The manufacturer saved $379,000 in nine months vs. what it would have paid on the spot market. Schneider’s reporting provided the visibility needed to make informed shipping decisions. schneider.comContact us at Solutions@schneider.comPublished January 2022 | Last Updated January 2022STM-IG-383-H-JAN2022 With a Market Index Pricing solution, the tire manufacturer was able to save time and money shipping its unpredictable freight. Thanks to Schneider’s support, it also uncovered additional opportunities to gain efficiencies. A tire manufacturer experienced sticker shock while shipping unpredictable, low-density freight to retailers across the country using a cost-plus model on the spot market. After paying too much for too long, the manufacturer needed a better solution. Short Haul

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